Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday - May 6: Tunghai University

Dr. Peng arranged a visit with his alma mater, Tunghai University. A Christian university founded by 13 Americans, the campus may just be one of the most beautiful in Taiwan as described to us by Dr. Peng. Professor Shufelt and Professor Yi-Chia Wang spoke about the history and economic background of Taiwan. Using statistics and economic theories, we were shown how unemployment could be used a predictor of trends for the future.

Sneak Peak into girls dorms

As we toured the campus, one thing that stood out was the barbed wire on the girls dorms. We were told it was to keep the girls safe, because the walls are low and there are some industrial areas directly behind the dorms. The boys dorms seemed to be more centrally located on campus and there was no barbed wire there. The difference between Taiwan and U.S. universities is the option to have co-ed dorms. In Taiwan, the residents are all kept separate.

Arieanna - Diane - Vanessa - Pat - Monica

While talking to Yi-Chia Wang during a campus tour, what I found different in Taiwan compared to the U.S. is the fact that Taiwan offers 26 weeks of unemployment and the government does not offer extensions. Once unemployment benefits are exhausted, people must find other work. The government of Taiwan is working to attract industries that will be sustainable. In the U.S., the Federal government has offered an extension on unemployment, which may be a short term solution for individuals, but it seems to be causing a great deal of harm in the long term. Our future generations will have a huge deficit because of many of our government programs that are currently offered such as social security and unemployment extensions. I am not aware of any projects that are of the scale being offered in Taiwan for creating new jobs and attracting new industries in the U.S.


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